Represija nad komunistima u Poljskoj traje od 2013. godine. Dodatno je pojačana prije 5 godina nakon dolaska na vlast desničarske stranke „Zakon i pravda“ (PiS) , naročito nakon prijave koju je podnio njihov zastupnik o aktivnostima KPP-a u kojoj je zahtijevao zabranu partije. Započet je sudski proces protiv članova uredništva partijskog glasila Brzask i administratora web stranice. Ove godine sud je donio odluku o „uvjetnom prekidu slučaja“ s novčanom kaznom i dvogodišnjom uvjetnom kaznom.
Uslijedila je žalba Vrhovnom sudu. U vrijeme kada je započelo suđenje, tužiteljstvo je bilo pod političkom kontrolom stranke PiS te su započeli i drugi napadi na neovisnost sudova. Ministar pravosuđa – Zbigniew Ziobro, koji predstavlja ekstremno desničarsku stranku, istovremeno je postao glavni tužitelj. Ustavni sud je također pet godina pod kontrolom vladajuće stranke. Većina sudaca izabrana je od strane zastupnika stranke Zakon i pravda nakon njihovog dolaska na vlast. Zbigniew Ziobro se 6. prosinca 2020. godine obratio Ustavnom sudu sa zahtjevom o zabrani Komunističke partije Poljske, optužujući je za zagovaranje revolucije, kolektivizacije i nacionalizacije.
KPP poziva komunističke i radničke partije da podrže njihovu borbu protiv antikomunizma prosvjednim pismima poljskim vlastima, Ustavnom sudu i ministru pravosuđa, organiziranjem skupova ispred poljskih veleposlanstava, slanjem peticija i drugim oblicima aktivnosti.Akcija Mladih Socijalista je simboličan čin u duhu proleterskog internacionalizma i međunarodne suradnje s ciljem zbijanja redova protiv antikomunističke hajke i za zajedničku borbu za pravedniji svijet!
Solidarnost s Komunističkom partijom Poljske!
On January 16, 2021, the Young Socialists of Croatia and their sympathizers held an action of solidarity with the Communist Party of Poland (KPP)The repression of communists in Poland has been going on since 2013. It was further strengthened 5 years ago after the right-wing Law and Justice (PiS) party came to power, especially after a report filed by their representative on the activities of the KPP demanding a ban on the party. A lawsuit has been filed against members of the editorial board of the Brzask party newspaper and the website administrator. This year, the court ruled on a “conditional termination of the case” with a fine and a two-year suspended sentence. An appeal to the Supreme Court followed. At the time the trial began, the prosecution was under the political control of the PiS party, and other attacks on the independence of the courts began. The Minister of Justice – Zbigniew Ziobro, who represents an extreme right-wing party, at the same time became the chief prosecutor. The Constitutional Court has also been under the control of the ruling party for five years. The majority of judges were elected by the Law and Justice party representatives after they came to power.On December 6, 2020, Zbigniew Ziobro addressed the Constitutional Court with a request to ban the Communist Party of Poland, accusing it of advocating revolution, collectivization and nationalization.
The KPP calls on communist and workers’ parties to support their fight against anti-communism by protesting letters to the Polish authorities, the Constitutional Court and the Minister of Justice, organizing rallies in front of Polish embassies, sending petitions and other forms of activity.The action of the Young Socialists is a symbolic act in the spirit of proletarian internationalism and international cooperation with the aim of closing the ranks against the anti-communist chase and for a common struggle for a more just world!
Solidarity with the Communist Party of Poland!